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What does selfiecide mean? We explain

It happens again and again, especially in youth language, that new word creations develop. The word selfieciede is such a neologism and was even nominated as youth word of the year in 2017. But what is the meaning behind it?

This is the meaning of the word selfiecide

Selfiecide is a youth word that is a mixture of the two English words "selfie" and "suicide". The word has developed from a trend observable in recent years, in which more and more people have died trying to take particularly daring photos of themselves. Since the people had not intended to do this beforehand, of course, the word selfiecide is slightly misleading, however, since it is less an intentional suicide and much more an accident.

Meaning: selfiecide and other well-known youth words

The word selfiecide, used primarily by young people, was among the 30 words proposed as youth word of the year in 2017.
  1. In addition to words such as "unfly" for uncool and "lit" for very cool, the words "bruh" as an abbreviation for brother and "treeless" as an alternative term for being single were also nominated.
  2. Ein weiteres nominiertes Wort war „napflixen“, das genutzt wird, um auszudrücken, dass man ein Nickerchen macht und währenddessen einen Film laufen lässt.
  3. Ausgewählt als Wort des Jahres wurde letztendlich das Wort I bims, das so viel wie „Ich bin“ bedeutet.

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