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Convert email to PDF: How it works

If you want to save, send or print an email, it makes sense to convert it to a PDF. This format protects your email so that it cannot be edited afterwards.

What do I need to convert an email to PDF?

For many file formats you need a converter in the form of an external program or as an online solution to be able to save the file as PDF. However, this does not apply if you want to convert your emails to PDF. You may only need a moment to find the right function, but then it is done in a few steps.

Save email as PDF without converter

All email providers allow you to print your emails. However, this function not only allows you to send the mail to the printer, but also save it as a PDF. So, it is just a matter of finding this function, which is usually accessible via the following ways:
  1. Open the corresponding mail and look for a printer icon. In Gmail, for example, this can be found in the top right corner of the subject line.
  2. Alternatively, look for a button that says "Print" or "Print".
  3. Sometimes you first need to open a menu, which is often displayed in the form of a list icon or as three dots to print the mail.
In the new view, click on "Change" at the selected printer. Als Druckziel können Sie nun „Als PDF speichern“ festlegen.

By Chemash Romm

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