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Enable right-click on Mac - how to do it

The right-click is one of the standard operating commands in Windows. But there is no right mouse button on an Apple mouse - nevertheless, you can also right-click in Mac OS X. This is very useful, for example, if you are using a program that is much easier to use with a right-click.

How to enable right-click on Mac?

To perform right-click on Mac, you have two options. Either use Preferences and set Magic Mouse to right-click, or simply use a useful shortcut that turns your click into a right-click.
  1. Open System Preferences by clicking the small apple icon in the upper left corner of the context menu, then clicking System Preferences.
  2. Now double-click the mouse and select the tab "Point and Click".
  3. Here you activate the option "Secondary Click" and select "Right Click".
  4. Close the settings window. If you now click on the right half of the mouse, a right click is performed.
  5. You also have the option to perform a right click without changing the settings. To do this, simply hold down the control key "Ctrl" or "Ctrl" and make a normal click.
Since recently, there is the so-called dark mode on the Mac. Dieser lässt sich einfach über die Einstellungen aktivieren und spart etwas Strom ein.

By Clements Finan

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