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Calibrating your hoverboard - here's how to do it

Before you ride your hoverboard for the first time, you need to set it up properly. After all, if the board is not calibrated, it will be difficult to balance or maneuver, unnecessarily increasing the risk of accidents. Get an overview of how to properly set up your hoverboard before taking off.

How to get your hoverboard ready to ride

Follow these steps to calibrate your hoverboard before riding:
  1. Turn off the hoverboard completely.
  2. Place the hoverboard on a flat surface with no slope.
  3. Hold down the power button until the red LED light flashes several times.
  4. Now level the board completely horizontally using a spirit level or a spirit level app.
  5. To complete the calibration, turn the board off and on again using the power button. After calibration, your hoverboard is ready for use.
Many models can be additionally fine-tuned via an app for your smartphone or tablet. In addition to adjustments to the driving behavior, you often also get an overview of the operating data.If problems occur when you calibrate the hoverboard, this may be, for example, due to a too low battery level of the board. If the board can not be adjusted, it may be that there is a defect.

What you can do if you have problems with the hoverboard

If you recalibrate your hoverboard, not only the gyro sensors, which are responsible for the balance, are reset, but also the entire system of the board. Similar to a reset, calibrating the board can therefore help with problems. For example, if the battery does not charge properly, you can try to realign the hoverboard to remedy the situation.

By Waldner

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