WoW: This is Patch 9.0 - all info on Shadowlands pre-patch
With Shadowlands, World of Warcraft will launch its ninth major release in late 2020. In preparation, the pre-patch numbered 9.0 took place in mid-October. Read what it included.
The shadows are coming: Update 9.0 is the pre-patch to WoW Shadowlands.
The pre-patch already downloads and installs all the content of the upcoming expansion, even though it won't be playable until the release of Shadowlands. However, some featues are already arriving in the game with patch 9.0.WoW: Patch 9.0 sets the course for Shadowlands
Who logs into version 9.0 will find these changes:- The new Shadowlands starting area called Isle of the Damned is already at the start. This is best experienced with a new character.
- With 9.0, the classes have all been reworked. A look at skill tree and spellbook is thus a priority.
- Also, the so-called level squish is already active. More info here.
- The allied races can now be easily unlocked by quest series. Hours of reputation farm sessions are no longer necessary.
- In addition, there are new visual customization options.
- With the time migration campaign, you can level up a level 50 character with an expansion of your choice. Whether Burning Crusade, Cataclysm, Legion or Mists of Pandaria - the decision is yours alone.