> Connection
> Dsl: Adsl- This Is What Adsl Is Used For
DSL: ADSL- this is what ADSL is used for
The abbreviation ADSL stands for a transmission format that is used when using a DSL connection. You can read the exact meaning of the abbreviation ADSL and what advantages and disadvantages the format has here.
DSL: This is the meaning of the abbreviation ADSL
The umbrella term DSL stands for "Digital Subscriber Line" and is used to describe the different transmission types. ADSL is thereby the most widely used transmission format and occurs primarily in private households.- ADSL is the abbreviation for "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line" and is characterized by the fact that downloading is done at a faster speed than uploading.
- m detail are with ADSL 6,000 respectively 16.000 download speeds between 5.9 and 15.6 MB / s possible.
- As ADSL is the preferred transmission format used by end users, this is mainly used for surfing the Internet and streaming.