HOME > Social Media > Facebook: Download Photo Album - Here's How It Works

Facebook: Download photo album - here's how it works

In Facebook, photos are stored in albums if you set it that way during setup. If you want to download pictures in Facebook, despite the album, you have to select all the photos individually and save them on your computer. However, using special software makes this faster.

Download Facebook photo album with Pick&Zip

Pick&Zip is a free software specially designed to download complete photo albums. The program is additionally compatible with Facebook.
  1. First, go to the official website of Pick&Zip and select the "Facebook Download" button.
  2. Now you will be redirected to Facebook and you will need to log in with your account.
  3. Since the application requires various permissions to download, you will need to authorize the software to do so.
  4. Now click on the "Find my Photos & Videos" button to download all your albums automatically.
  5. Nun können Sie eine Auswahl zu allen Alben und Fotos treffen, die Sie gerne herunterladen möchten.
  6. Abschließend klicken Sie auf „Download my selection“, um den Download in Gang zu setzen.
  7. Die Bilder werden in einem komprimierten ZIP-Verzeichnis heruntergeladen, das Sie anschließend noch entpacken müssen.
  8. Beachten Sie, dass zum Entpacken ebenfalls spezielle Software wie WinRAR oder 7ZIP notwendig ist.
  9. Sobald Sie mit dem Download fertig sind, können Sie die Software übrigens wieder aus Facebook entfernen.

By Jessica Lowber

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