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Netflix: What's coming soon? This new feature shows

The Netflix machinery is running at full speed, churning out new content. Previews of soon-to-be-released titles are now even available on Netflix itself. We show how it works.

If you wish, you can even have Netflix remind you of the start of new content.

Given the huge selection, it's all the more difficult to keep track of Netflix. A new feature keeps you up to date.

Netflix: What's coming soon - and on what date?

If you use Netflix on your TV, you'll find upcoming new releases in their own category:
  • Links in the menu bar, which distinguishes between categories such as movies and series, there is now another entry: this is called "Latest" and both new series seasons and movies.
  • At the very top you will find "New on Netflix", i.e. titles that have recently been added to the program.
  • Below that is "Available in the next few days": there, titles are listed that will appear in the coming days, including the exact date.
  • The same applies to "From next week".
For movies and series from these two categories, you can set a reminder function. This makes Netflix scheduling even more effective and lets you experience new content from day one.

By Homerus

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