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Creating Java classes

Java is a common programming language. Java is an object-oriented programming language that consists of classes and methods. Classes are understood to be the blueprint of an object. Depending on the development environment you use, you can create new classes in different ways.

How to create a new class in Java

The development environment most widely used among Java developers is Eclipse. The latest version (as of January 2021) is Eclipse 2020-12, you can download this from the Eclipse page.Open the latest version of Eclipse.
  1. Follow the instructions to create a new class and open a new project.
  2. Now to create a new, i.e. second class, you need to go to the "Package Explorer" on the left, where your project is displayed.
  3. Unfold the menu item that has the name of your project by clicking on the arrow next to it.
  4. You will now see the "Source" folder and the various libraries.
  5. Right-click on the "Source" folder to open a menu. Select the "New" button here.
  6. In the next menu, select "Class" to create a new class.
  7. Now this window shows where the new class will be stored. Also, you need to give the class a name here.
  8. Click "Finish" to complete the process.

Create Class via Menu

Click "File" in the Eclipse menu bar and select "New" from the options in the context menu. Click "Class" in the next context menu to open a new window where you can specify the details of the new class. Assign a name for the new class and finish the creation by clicking "Finish".

By Schargel

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