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MHW Iceborne: How the photo missions work

Iceborne enriches the world of Monster Hunter World in every way. A popular example of this are the photo tasks, for which there is even a trophy. We explain how to complete the tasks.

Sideline photographer: In Iceborne, you simply have to capture some moments.

Monster hunting is also the main focus in Iceborne. Thanks to many side activities, however, the game world seems even more lively and fun.

MHW Iceborne: Photo missions important for the Complete Achievement

You get the photo missions from the researcher in the Lynian Observatory:
  • You get a camera, also called a catography set.
  • The missions are called "Exposure Requests".
  • Total, there are more than 20 of these tasks. Some are easier to complete than others.
  • Because some missions can only be completed under certain conditions, such as the weather, the time of day, or your reputation with the Grymalkines.
In execution, the missions are not complicated: you point the camera at the subject once you find it, and press the shutter button. The photo will be saved and the task will be completed if you did everything correctly.Apart from the fact that the photo assignments are a nice diversion, you will receive the "First Class Observer" trophy once you complete all the requests. This is especially important for players who are aiming for the 100 percent achievement in Iceborne.

By Hach Testen

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