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Surface Pro 6: Adjust brightness - here's how to do it

The Surface Pro 6 already offers you all the features you need for your work. But especially when using the tablet in a darker room or outside, it is necessary to adjust the brightness of the display. The operating system offers you various setting options for this.

How to adjust the brightness of the Surface Pro 6

In order to see all the content on the Surface Pro 6 display without any problems, it is necessary to adjust the brightness of your environment. Moreover, you can reduce the brightness if you want to save battery. For this, the operating system already offers you possible settings with which you can adjust the brightness according to your wishes.
  1. Start your Surface Pro 6 and swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen to the center.
  2. Once the Info Center has opened, you will find a lamp icon further down.
  3. Click on it to adjust the brightness in percent according to your wishes. Die Einstellung erfolgt lediglich in 25-Prozent-Schritten und ist nur für schnelle Änderungen gedacht.
  4. Alternativ klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Lampe und wählen „Zu Einstellungen wechseln“ aus.
  5. Hier haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, die Helligkeit beliebig anzupassen.
  6. Unter „Alle Einstellungen“ > „System“ > „Netzbetrieb und Energiesparen“ > „Zusätzliche Energieeinstellungen“ finden Sie zudem Energiesparpläne, die die Bildschirmhelligkeit anpassen.

By Nakasuji

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