> Search engines
> What Is A Url? - Explained In An Understandable Way
What is a URL? - Explained in an understandable way
A URL, or "Uniform Resource Locator", is the exact addressing of a web page on the World Wide Web. Through this, the website can be found and accessed at any time. Basically, every URL has the same structure and always contains the same factors, which we explain in detail here.
A URL is the address of a web page with which it can be called up and found on the Internet.
What is a URL?
The URL (= Uniform Resource Locator) is the Internet address and thus the exact addressing of a web page on the World Wide Web. By entering the exact URL, an Internet page can therefore be found and accessed at any time. The structure of the URL is always the same and consists of the following factors:- Network protocol: This protocol is always at the beginning of a URL and regulates everything around the exchange of data. In order for this transfer of data to work without errors, the computers must communicate with the same network protocol.
- Domain: The domain is the name of the website and is assigned only once worldwide. Domains are organized hierarchically and have the function to precisely delimit websites from each other.
- Subdomain: This is hierarchically below the main domain and offers the webmaster the opportunity to divide the website into different areas.
- Top-level domain: The top-level domain (TLD) represents the last part of the URL. A distinction is made here between generic, i.e. generally valid, TLDs or country-specific TLDs.
- Path name or file: This is displayed after the top-level domain, separated from it with a slash and denotes the respective name of the page that was just called.