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URL Meaning: What the address line says

If you want to call up a certain web page, you usually use its URL, which is colloquially called a link. URL stands for "Uniform Resource Locator." The URL is used to call up a specific file on a server.

What is the meaning of URL?

URLs are broken down into their individual components, which consist of the identifier for the transmission protocol, the domain and the file path (/hardware/...). The domain is queried from the domain server, which then returns an assigned IP address.
  1. With a browser, you can also open files from your own PC. To do this, you simply enter the path to the file in your browser with the transfer protocol "file" (file:///C:/Users).
  2. With the transfer protocol "file" you can also open images on your PC, which are then displayed to you in the browser.
  3. The Windows Explorer is also basically just a file browser, with which you navigate through your file system. It also has an address bar, with which you can also access another PC.
  4. You generally do not have to specify the transfer protocol, because this is inserted by your browser.
  5. Nutzen Sie beispielweise die URL „mailto:[email protected]“ wird Ihr E-Mail-Programm geöffnet und Sie können eine neue E-Mail an Max Mustermann schreiben.
  6. Eine URL kann auch einen Benutzernamen und ein Kennwort enthalten „[email protected]“ (Benutzername: max, Kennwort: muster), um sich auf einem Server einzuloggen.

By Sonja

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