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iPad disabled: How to remedy

An iPad can be secured via a code. You then have to enter this code every time you turn on the device or unlock it. If you enter the code incorrectly six times in a row, the iPad will be locked. You will have to reset the device in this case.

Unlocking a disabled iPad

If you have set up a code on your iPad, you will have to enter it every time the device was turned off or the key lock was active. If this code is entered incorrectly six times in a row, the device will automatically deactivate. Then the only thing that helps is to reset the device and set it up again. If you have already made an iTunes backup before, a deactivated device can also be backed up again. If you have set an automatic backup via iCloud, all data has been saved since the last backup. You can perform a restore over the backed up data in both cases. If you have not used either option to back up, the data can no longer be saved via backup.

How to restore iPad

Shut down the device and make sure your iPad is not yet connected to the computer.
  1. Then press and hold the Home button while connecting the iPad to the computer with iTunes installed.
  2. Lassen Sie die Home Taste los, sobald der Bildschirm des Wiederherstellungsmodus angezeigt wird.
  3. Haben Sie ein iPad ohne Home Taste, halten Sie stattdessen bitte die obere Taste gedrückt, während Sie das iPad und den Computer verbinden.
  4. Haben Sie das iPad erfolgreich mit dem Computer verbunden, suchen Sie dieses bitte in iTunes oder dem Finder des Mac und wählen Sie „Wiederherstellen“ aus.
  5. Warten Sie, bis das Backup vollständig heruntergeladen wurde.

By Princess

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