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Honor 20: Change PIN - Procedure

The SIM card in the Honor 20 has a PIN number by default, the entry of which is necessary to use all device functions. If you want to change the PIN of your Honor 20, this is possible at any time directly on the device. Also read what options you have to change the lock screen PIN.

Honor 20: How to change the SIM card PIN

On the Honor 20, you can protect both the device's SIM card and its lock screen with a PIN number. If you want to change the PIN used in each case, the necessary procedure differs according to the type of PIN number.
  1. To change the SIM PIN of the Honor 20, please open the settings of the device and navigate to "Security & Privacy" > "Additional settings".
  2. Tap there then on the option "Unlock SIM card" and select "Change PIN".
  3. Now enter the current PIN number of the SIM card first and then the new PIN twice to make the change.

With these steps you change the lock screen PIN of the Honor 20

If you want to change the PIN number that you use to unlock the device screen instead of the SIM PIN, it is first also necessary to open the Settings app of the Honor 20. You then have to go to the entry "Screen lock & passwords" and select the option "Screen lock". There you now have the option to set a new PIN for unlocking the display or alternatively to store a password or pattern for unlocking the Honor 20.

By Bevash Bruzek

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