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WoW Shadowlands: What are pacts? This is the new feature

WoW Shadowlands brings big changes in some aspects. The focus is on the so-called pacts. Our guide explains the new feature and shows what the point is.

Refreshing: the pacts bring a whole new facet to the game.

In English, the pacts are called "covenants". This could be important if you are watching English-language tutorials or videos.

WoW Shadowlands: Covenants as new main content

The Covenants are integrated into the story of Shadowlands. This is because the pacts refer to the new factions that can be found in Shadowlands. There are four of them:
  • The Necrolords (Maldraxxus) are necromancers whose army works with necrotic magic.
  • The Night Fae (Ardenwald) are considered guardians of nature.
  • The Venthyr (Revendreth) are vampire nobles.
  • The Kyrians from the Bastion fight for honesty and justice, in the spirit of the paladins.
Each pact allows you to learn very specific skills. A distinction is made between general and class-specific skills. In this way, the overall combination of class and pact makes for a more individual experience, as there are more options.You start choosing a pact via a backstory in the Shadowlands. Joining a pact will be possible as early as (the new) level 50, so you'll be able to gain reputation as you level up. In addition, the pacts offer new material for end-game content far from the dungeons and raids.

By Lilith

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