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Surface Pro 6: Keyboard is not recognized

You can operate the Surface Pro 6 not only via touchscreen, but also with a keyboard. If the keyboard is not recognized by the device, there are several options to solve the problem. We show you how to connect the keyboard correctly.

Keyboard is not recognized: How to update on Surface Pro 6

If the Surface Pro 6 doesn't recognize the connected keyboard, you can often fix the problem by downloading and installing updates. To do this, first click "Start" on your Surface Pro 6 and navigate to "Settings" > "Update and Security" > "Windows Update". If updates are available, please install them and check if the keyboard is recognized again afterwards.

Surface Pro 6: How to reconnect an unrecognized keyboard

If there are no updates for your device or if the keyboard is still not recognized, make sure that it is properly paired with the device or pair the keyboard again. To do this, press and hold the pairing button on the Surface Keyboard for five to seven seconds.
  1. On the keyboard, the LED above the "Up Button" should now be flashing, indicating that the Surface Keyboard is in pairing mode.
  2. On the Surface Pro 6, then navigate to "Start" > "Settings" > "Devices" > "Bluetooth and Other Devices" and make sure Bluetooth is turned on.
  3. After that, click "Add Bluetooth or Other Device" and select your keyboard from the list of available devices.
  4. After pressing the "Enter" key and typing in a code, the pairing is complete.

By Michaeu

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