HOME > Gaming > Sims 4: Insert Your Own Music - Gamble With Your Favorite Music

Sims 4: Insert your own music - gamble with your favorite music

With your favorite music every game is immediately more fun - therefore we show you how to insert your own music in Sims 4. If the music file is in the appropriate format, any music can be inserted into the game. This way you personalize Sims 4 even more.

How to insert your own music in Sims 4

Insert your own music in Sims 4 to listen to your favorite music without leaving the game.
  1. First, open the file folder where you have saved Sims 4. By default, you will find the game on a Windows computer under "C:Users\User\Documents\Eletronic Arts\The Sims 4".
  2. Click on "The Sims 4" and further on "Custom Music".
  3. In this folder you will see more subfolders named after music genres. Select a suitable folder and copy your desired music there.
  4. The next time you start Sims 4, the inserted music is already available.
  5. The only requirement for the music files is that they must be in MP3 format. Gegebenenfalls müssen Sie abweichende Formate erst in MP3-Dateien konvertieren.

So personalisieren Sie Sims 4 noch weiter!

Wird Ihnen Sims 4 doch einmal langweilig, bringen Sie mit Mods willkommene Abwechslung in das Spiel. Die heruntergeladenen Inhalte entpacken Sie einfach in den „Mod“-Ordner von Sims 4.

By Huei

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