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No Man's Sky: Living Ship - all info on the big update

Per update delivery, No Man's Sky continues to get new content on a regular basis. The Living Ship update was particularly notable, and our guide explains what was included.

Self-aware ships: since Living Ship, you can build organic alien ships.

Living Ship was uploaded in February 2020 and - like all major updates - caused the return of many players.

No Man's Sky: Living Ship brings innovative new features

According to the name, the update brought living ships into the game:
  • This refers to organic ships, which are also visually very different from the previous vehicles.
  • The look is reminiscent of typical alien ships, which are made of biological materials instead of metallic parts. This is also reflected in the cockpit.
  • The properties of the ships depend heavily on the materials used. This gives rise to numerous individual possibilities.
  • Naturally, you must first collect the new materials, which is not easy. The ships are then created by incubation.
  • In space, you will also encounter new life forms and objects.
  • Parallel to this, there is a new series of missions with the update.
Apart from this, the ease of use of No Man's Sky has been further optimized in the course of the update. Inventory management is now easier to manage, and multiplayer groups can now warp together. Together with the general performance improvements, Living Ship is thus a great and important update that provides many hours of gameplay.

By Pacificas

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