Valorant: Don't neglect sneaking - our tips
In Valorant, the action is fast. However, you should not make speed your top premise, as the opposite is also very important, namely sneaking. We explain what it's all about.
Slowly, but quietly: In sneak mode you can move unnoticed.
Speed sometimes leads to success in Valorant, but sometimes not. Thus, there are many moments when sneaking is the best choice.Valorant: Using sneaking as a tactical tool
The default movement in Valorant is running, there is no button for sprinting. However, by holding down the "Shift" key, you trigger the sneak mode - and this is enormously important:- By sneaking, you no longer make any stepping sounds. This can be absolutely crucial in many situations, to approach unnoticed or even to escape.
- Logically, you are also much slower when sneaking. It is therefore important to develop a good sense of when this mode is appropriate and when not.
- Your movement speed, by the way, also depends on the equipped weapon. Here, the heavier the weapon, the slower you are. Für eine schnelle Fortbewegung können Sie deswegen die „3“ drücken, um das Messer auszurüsten.
- Dies birgt wiederum das Risiko, keine Schusswaffe in der Hand zu halten, wenn Sie auf einen Gegner treffen.