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E-Scooters for sitting - these are the options you have

Scooters can be bought nowadays or you can also rent them from a suitable provider. The pedal scooter is usually ridden standing up. However, if you would rather have a vehicle that you can also control while sitting, you have the option of choosing a different model of e-scooter.

Are there e-scooters for sitting?

E-scooters are becoming increasingly popular in road traffic. These are pedal scooters that are powered by a rechargeable battery. Especially in big cities, places where you can rent an e-scooter are widely available. Usually, you have to stand on the scooter when you move around. However, there are also alternatives for sitting.
  1. E-scooters for sitting are built the same way as ordinary scooters. However, you still have a seat on the original standing surface, which is reminiscent of a bicycle seat.
  2. Hiring companies, such as Lime, however, usually only offer e-scooters for standing. However, there are exceptions where you can rent all versions of an e-scooter. Usually, these also offer other vehicles such as hoverboards or e-bikes.
  3. If you want to buy an e-scooter and not rent, you also have various providers to choose from.
  4. But keep in mind that you may only participate in traffic with the vehicle if this meets the regulations for the regulation for small electric vehicles. Achten Sie dabei auf die entsprechende Kennzeichnung in der Typbeschreibung. Einige Fahrzeuge dürfen Sie allerdings nur auf privatem Grundstück fahren – dies ist im Moment bei den meisten Fahrzeugen der Fall.

By Romeon Sailor

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