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Setting up WLAN TO GO Telekom - how it works

WLAN TO GO is an additional function offered by Telekom that allows you to set up a second WLAN network via your router. Once you have activated the function, you and other users can surf the Internet free of charge via WLAN TO GO.

How WLAN TO GO from Telekom works

WLAN TO GO is a function that, if you have activated it on your Telekom router, sends a second WLAN network. This WLAN network, known as "Telekom-Fon", is publicly accessible and can also be used by strangers to surf the Internet for free. In doing so, the WLAN TO GO network is independent of your private WLAN network and you are also not liable for any damage caused by third parties.

Telekom: Here's how you need to proceed to set up WLAN TO GO

To set up a WLAN TO GO hotspot at your router, a few requirements must be met. In addition to an IP-enabled Internet connection of Telekom, you need a compatible router and must add the option WLAN TO GO free of charge.
  1. Then wait until Telekom has enabled WLAN TO GO for your connection and call the Telekom Customer Center.
  2. Log in there with your username and password and navigate to "My Extras" > "WLAN TO GO & Hotspots".
  3. Then look for the entry "My booked users" and click on it to log on or log off WLAN TO GO.
  4. If you have activated WLAN TO GO on your router, you yourself may also use all available Telekom_Fon hotspots. To do this, simply search for the Telekom_Fon network on your computer or mobile device and log in to it with your Telekom user account.

By Mazlack

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