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Scheduling LinkedIn posts: how to do it?

LinkedIn is an international professional network used by both individuals and businesses to make new contacts. A new post can help you share content and attract attention to your profile. Learn how to schedule and publish posts in LinkedIn here.

Useful tips for planning posts in LinkedIn

For a successful post in LinkedIn, we recommend considering the following aspects:
  • Since LinkedIn focuses on expert knowledge, only topics in which you are really well versed are relevant.
  • While planning your post, it is important that you get an idea of well-run content from other LinkedIn members in advance.
  • Lists or "how-to" guides are particularly popular in LinkedIn and are better suited than long flowing texts.
  • Publish only posts that are also relevant to your audience. Find out what industry and regions a large portion of your contacts are in.

How to publish a post on your LinkedIn profile

  1. Open LinkedIn and navigate to the home page.
  2. Klicken Sie in das Dialogfenster „Beitrag beginnen“ und geben Sie den Inhalt im Kommentar-Feld ein.
  3. Wählen Sie aus wer Ihren Beitrag sehen kann und hängen Sie gegebenenfalls ein Foto, Video oder eine Datei an.
  4. Veröffentlichen Sie den Beitrag durch einen Klick auf „Posten“.

By Valentino Balder

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