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Skype: Record a call - how it works

Whether for personal or business purposes, recording a conversation can be handy for a variety of reasons. If you use Skype, our guide explains how to go about it.

Recording is up and running: Skype makes it easy to record conversations.

In today's online world, virtually everything can be saved. This also applies to Skype conversations.

How to record a Skype conversation

Proceed as follows:
  1. Click on the icon with the three dots during the conversation.
  2. Select "Start recording". If you are using Skype with a mobile device, you will see the option there as well.
For transparency reasons, all participants of the conversation will be informed that a recording is taking place. Afterwards, the conversation is saved for 30 days. To save it permanently, you can download it, as an MP4 file. This is also possible on both PC and mobile devices, but it must be done within the 30 days, as the file will no longer be available after that.

By Alick Berrier

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