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Google Stadia: This is the referral program - all info

Stadia has already grown well, but still has a long way to go to be one of the leading players in gaming. Via referral program users can help and are rewarded for it.

Reward: For every successful referral you receive a free month of Stadia Pro.

Friends recruit friends - this principle is by no means new online. Stadia also has such a system.

This is how the Google Stadia referral program works

In your Stadia account, you have the option to invite other players via link. This works as follows:
  1. Open the home page stadia.com.
  2. Click on the small icon at the top with the arrow pointing down.
  3. Select "Copy invitation link".
You now have a referral link in the cache. You can send this to friends. Then the crucial point: If a friend decides on the basis of your link for a Pro subscription to Stadia, you also get a free month donated. Thus, it is especially worthwhile to send such a link if you know that an acquaintance is thinking about trying Stadia Pro anyway.

By Tiffanle

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