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Sharpen fonts in Windows: How to turn it on

For particularly large screens, your operating system will support you as much as possible so that fonts are still sharp even at large resolutions. However, to do this, you need to modify some display settings of your monitor and operating system. These steps are very easy to follow.

How to set your monitor properly

Within your system settings, there are a few options through which you can configure your display. Make sure the correct resolution is selected for your display.
  1. Right-click on an empty space on your desktop.
  2. Select "Screen Resolution" from the menu.
  3. Now, under the drop-down menu, select the resolution that is recommended by your operating system. If you know the resolution of your screen, select that instead.
  4. Finally, click "OK" to make the changes effective. You will be asked again to confirm if the settings are OK before finishing.

The font still seems blurry

  1. If you still feel that the font is not displayed properly, right-click on the desktop again and this time select "Display".
  2. Links finden Sie die Option Farbe kalibrieren.
  3. Unter diesem Menü können Sie diverse Einstellungen zu Helligkeit und Kontrast des Monitors festlegen.
  4. Probieren Sie ein wenig aus, welche Darstellung für Sie am angenehmsten ist und Sie die angezeigte Schrift scharf sehen lässt.

By Carrick

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