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E-Scooter: Is it possible to hack a scooter?

Hacker attacks are becoming more and more common these days. That's exactly why it's important to protect yourself and your hardware. Many e-scooters have Bluetooth or other ways to access the vehicle. However, this also allows hackers to gain access to the system's controls.

Hacking an e-scooter - is it legal?

Worldwide, the number of e-scooters is increasing more and more. This is also the case in Germany. The electronic scooters have Bluetooth and similar capabilities to access the controls. This is increasingly leading to problems with hackers gaining access to the vehicles.
  1. In principle, it is possible to hack an e-scooter. There are already several cases where this has even been proven.
  2. In February 2019, for example, a gap in the e-scooter from Xiaomi was used. In this, the provided Bluetooth is used to take control of the e-scooter. Thus, the theft lock can also be activated via the smartphone and prevent the owner from continuing the journey.
  3. At times, there are more and more instructions on the Internet on how you can hack an e-scooter from a rental provider. So ist es möglich, diese zu entsperren und damit zu fahren.
  4. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass das Hacken von E-Scootern illegal ist und Sie mit hohen Strafen rechnen müssen, wenn Sie erwischt werden.
  5. Zudem können Sie durch Ihr Handeln andere Menschen gefährden.

By Birchard

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