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iPhone X jerks: This may be the reason

It may happen that the display of your iPhone X is shaky and apps are not displayed smoothly. This may be caused by software or hardware issues. First, check some possible software causes to rule out damage to your iPhone X's display.

This is why your iPhone X jerks

If your iPhone X jerks, the problem can usually be fixed quickly. The jerking is often noticeable when scrolling. Then the display blurs when viewing lists, for example music tracks in a playlist. However, it can also happen that apps are not displayed cleanly when closing them. Usually, the problem is only caused by a temporary overload due to too many apps. However, there may also be other reasons behind it.

Remedy the problem

  1. Restart: Often, it is enough to turn the device off and on again. If your iPhone X does not respond, you can force the restart. To do this, press the volume up button and the volume down button in succession and then press and hold the side button.
  2. Close apps: Close all applications that you do not need. Especially performance-intensive apps should not run in the background. This includes games with elaborate graphics and apps that access locations or Bluetooth.
  3. Perform updates: Run the latest system update. Öffnen Sie dazu die Einstellungen und wählen Sie „Allgemein“ und dann „Software-Update“.
  4. Display überprüfen: Helfen die bisherigen Tipps nicht, müssen Sie im Apple Store überprüfen lassen, ob ein Defekt an Ihrem Display vorliegt.

By Egin

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