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No Man's Sky: Buy freighters - how it works

Freighters were introduced as a game element in No Man's Sky afterwards and add an exciting dimension to the adventure. In our guide, you can learn how to buy freighters.

Small, medium, large: freighters also differ, sometimes greatly.

You can even get the first freighter for free, as explained here. However, it is not unlikely that you will want to own a better freighter later in the game.

No Man's Sky: How to buy freighters

Buying a freighter is basically not difficult:
  • When you are in the space of a star system, you will usually see at least one fleet, often even two or three.
  • Fly to the fleets and look for the white freighter icon to appear. This is not to be confused with the green frigate icons.
  • Land in the freighter and run to the commander in the main room. In the dialog appears the option to buy the freighter.
Now you can see the characteristics and price of the freighter and compare it with your own, if you already have one. Freighters come in different sizes (important for inventory slots) and the well-known classes C, B, A and S, which decide the jump range. Im Gegensatz zu Raumschiffen können Sie übrigens nur einen Frachter besitzen – der Tausch sollte also gut überlegt sein.

By Rochemont

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