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Pokémon Go: Candies and Stardust

For collecting new Pokémon in Pokémon Go, you are additionally rewarded with receiving candies and stardust. These, in turn, are used to make your Pokémon stronger and evolve. How to use candies and stardust, you can read here.

Pokémon GO: For this you need stardust and candies

For each Pokémon that you catch, you also receive stardust and candies. The candies differ depending on the Pokémon species and are needed to bring the small monsters to the next development level.
  1. To level up, the use of stardust is necessary. To do this, simply press the "Power Up" option and your Pokémon will become stronger.
  2. To evolve, you need the appropriate candies for each Pokémon, which you usually only get when you catch the Pokémon. To get faster to the required amount of candy, it is therefore recommended to catch several Pokémon of a kind.
  3. Another way to get candy is the option "Send". This will release duplicate Pokémon and you will receive a gift from the professor that contains candies.
  4. Also, pay attention to the regular Pokémon GO events, as you can earn additional candies there.

Star Dust: This is how many candies you need in Pokémon GO

With how many candies you need to feed a Pokémon to evolve it varies. While some Pokémon require 12 and 25 candies respectively, most Pokémon require 50 candies to bring them to the next evolution level. Pokémon like Quaputzi and Alpollo even require the use of 100 candies. However, you need the most candies, namely 400 pieces, to evolve Karpador.

By Wistrup Mazdra

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