Valheim: How to improve the workbench - all info
Early on, the workbench becomes a focal point that you visit every day. This makes it all the more important to improve the station, as this allows for new possibilities. Read how.
Quick upgrades: the workbench can be improved in several stages.
Whether for repairing items, crafting or upgrading: The workbench serves many purposes. These become more powerful with the level.Valheim: Improve workbench - so it goes
When you build the first workbench, it is at level 1.- Upgrades are possible by building special objects and placing them right next to the workbench.
- The upgrade to level 2 is mostly implemented by the chopping block, since this can be built early.
- Also possible is this with the tannery.
- The order does not matter - each upgrade object brings an increase of one level.
- Further upgrade objects are draftsman and tool shelf, but for this you need materials that are more difficult to get.