IOS 10.2.1 reported several bugs: should you upgrade?

A few days after the release of the new version there are many disgruntled users, the problem of autonomous shutdowns at 30% battery

A few days after its release the iOS 10.2.1 update already divides users. It is increased the security of devices, but does not seem to solve the annoying problem of shutdown at 30% charge of the iPhone. In addition, several bugs have been reported that are complicating the lives of Apple users.

The fingerprint sensor does not work. Among the most reported bugs by users, as reported by Forbes, after updating their iPhone to iOS 10.2.1 is definitely the malfunctioning of the fingerprint sensor. Most users have stated that after the update this stopped working properly. In some cases completely. With the return to version 10.2 the problem instead vanishes, so the bug is completely related to the Cupertino OS update. At the moment, the issue seems to affect iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners.

Display Brightness

Another much-reported bug concerns the automatic reduction of display brightness based on the remaining battery percentage. When the smartphone reaches 74% battery, the brightness drops to 70%, while when iPhone reaches 49% battery, the brightness drops further to 50%. There are many users who are frustrated with this bug, which seems quite widespread at the moment. For some, Apple purposely chose this default setting to combat the problem of unexpected shutdowns at 30% charge (only the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are immune). Each time it happens you have to go back into Settings>Display and Brightness and manually adjust your preferred brightness.

Unreliable Bluetooth

Bluetooth has long been an issue for Apple. Right iOS 8? And now in Cupertino the bugs in this area seem to be back. Many users have reported that with the OS update, connections are often weak and disassociate for no apparent good reason. In addition, several users have noticed an abnormal battery consumption with Bluetooth activated. Also in this case the only solution to solve the problem seems to be to revert to the previous version of iOS.

Other bugs reported

There is no shortage of other bugs reported quite frequently. Many iPhone 6 users are complaining of excessive battery consumption with the update to iOS 10.2.1. While others have indicated that with the new version of the operating system, the audio quality in some applications has dropped dramatically. Just as with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi also seems to have suffered from bugs with the move to iOS 10.2.1. Sono molti gli utenti che lamentano una scarsa stabilità di connessione non dovuta a problemi di linea ma relativa allo smartphone.

Conviene aggiornare a iOS 10.2.1?

Non è semplice capire se consigliare o meno l’aggiornamento di Cupertino. In generale però le nuove versioni sono sempre consigliate e va detto che se si vuole una maggiore sicurezza per il proprio dispositivo iOS 10.2.1 rappresenta il top in casa Apple. Più complicata la situazione per i proprietari di iPhone 6 e iPhone 6 Plus. La maggior parte dei bug sembra colpire questi dispositivi e dal sensore alla luminosità sono problematiche che minano il buon utilizzo del dispositivo. In più Apple non ha risolto il problema del 30% di carica e degli spegnimenti autonomi. Perciò per questa tipologia di utenti forse l’aggiornamento al momento potrebbe anche non essere un’ottima scelta. Apple ha comunque già pronta la versione beta di iOS 10.3 ma questo non verrà rilasciato prima di 4-6 settimane.

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