La t-shirt intelligente che funziona con il 5G: cosa può fare

Una t-shirt intelligente dotata di connettività 5G permetterà di monitorare la salute e il benessere in tempo reale: come funziona YouCare di AccYouRate


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Non solo smartphone e device elettronici: anche le t-shirt diventano intelligenti e integrano il 5G. During the last Mobile World Congress, the first smart t-shirt capable of sending data and information from a special control center with a small antenna connected to the superfast network was presented.

The event, held as usual in Barcelona, was the springboard for the launch of the product born from the collaboration between ZTE, one of the main Chinese big names in communications, and AccYouRate, the group that created the technology behind the module integrated in the clothing. Applied for now only to the T-shirt called YouCare, this functionality can be used in other items of clothing and accessories, including shoe insoles, headbands and even ISO-10993-1 certified masks reusable and able to withstand multiple washings.

Smart T-shirts: how it works

While the outside of the T-shirt mirrors any other tight-fitting T-shirt, what makes the difference is what's inside the fabric. In fact, there are Gps sensors, as well as chips that detect temperature, humidity, movement thanks to the accelerometer, heartbeat, blood oxygenation and much more, sending all the information to a special control unit.

This very element, a Smart Tag with the AccYouRate logo positioned at heart height, collects and transmits the body parameters detected by the sensors through the ultra-fast connection offered by ZTE with its 5G antenna. Once processed by the smartphone or the medical software available on different devices, in a very few moments it is possible to have a complete picture of the physical state of the person wearing it, launching possible alarm signals in case of health conditions that raise concern for the individual.

With the smart T-shirt you can monitor your well-being

A unanimous applause from those present for the textile wearable, the new frontier of technology for the health area, from Peng Aiguang, SVP of ZTE Corporation and President Europe and Americas, to Francesco Rocca, President of the Italian Red Cross and IFRC, who said: "It is an 'invention that will change the life and quality of home and remote care for the many citizens going through health problems and vulnerable people suffering from chronic diseases, ensuring accessibility to care services and support from our national and international network."

Umberto Sgambati, CEO of the Proger spa Group that, with the intervention of the start-Up Let's Web-earable Solutions, created the smart T-shirt, stressed the importance from the point of view of prevention: "From the very first moment we believed and invested in what seemed to us a totally revolutionary idea, and that today is a concrete reality, just certified also as a Medical Device, and that has been enriched by the predictive algorithms of cardiovascular disorders of BSP-Medical Israeli company world leader in the field of Medical Data Science."