Manutenzione condizionatori: come effettuarla correttamente

Aria fresca in estate e aria calda in inverno: perché è importante la manutenzione dei condizionatori e come effettuarla correttamente


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

La manutenzione dei condizionatori installati in casa è fondamentale per poterne garantire il corretto funzionamento, sia in estate che in inverno. Changing the filters, sanitizing the ducts and recharging the coolant are operations that only a specialized technician can carry out.

According to the regulations in force in Italy, in fact, only a qualified technician can check the air conditioner and draw up the booklet of the system, which, just like for boilers, contains all the technical data and the types of interventions carried out. Regularly cleaning your air conditioner has advantages for both the owner and the environment. On the one hand, you will always be able to have maximum performance with reduced energy consumption, thus saving money. On the other hand, regular maintenance and only by qualified technicians allows you to keep track of emissions of fluorinated gases, i.e. polluting refrigerant gases that can contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Aconditioner maintenance: what the law provides for

The maintenance of air conditioners is regulated by Presidential Decree number 74 of 16 April 2013, which requires for new systems the preparation of a special booklet that certifies the energy efficiency report, both when they are used in winter and in summer mode. In addition, the decree provides for the mandatory maintenance of air conditioners, even those installed before the entry into force of the legislation. In the absence of a certification of the system or an untruthful certification, the law provides for the commission of sanctions both to the owner of the air conditioner and to the company or to the qualified technician who took care of the control of the energy efficiency.

Aconditioner maintenance: how to perform it and who to contact

The maintenance operation of an air conditioner by a specialized technician includes the verification of congruity of the various components of the system, as well as the cleaning of ducts and filters through specific products. Finally, the technician will have to refill the level of refrigerant gas, making sure that there are no leaks or other problems that could decrease the performance of the air conditioner and thus increase consumption and electricity bills.

The first step to carry out the maintenance of air conditioners is therefore to find a technician or a company that is specialized and qualified to perform the work as required by law. Users can rely on word of mouth, do an online search or choose on sites that allow you to request a quote and compare the responses of multiple professionals, then choose the most convenient one or the professional with the best reviews from other customers. Among the platforms that offer this type of services there is also Yellow Pages Home, which offers both possibilities: either request a quote from several professionals, or for those who have little time and are looking for an immediate solution there is a new solution. Pagine Gialle Casa, an e-commerce of services for the home, which allows you to search and compare the necessary service immediately and to book it when you want, so you can choose the best professional at the right price.

Aconditioner maintenance: how often should it be done

Then there is the question: how often should maintenance be done? The period can vary from 2 to 4 years, although it would be better to clean and sanitize your air conditioner every year with the arrival of summer, if you use it mainly to generate cold air, or in winter, if you use it to heat your home. This way, it will always be clean and at peak performance when you need it most.