Nespresso, Police warn against online scam

A new scam is circulating on social networks, hackers redirect users to a fake site using a message of winning a coffee machine

The scam of 

The coffee machine scam was still missing, but hackers have a lot of imagination and inventiveness and so in recent times is circulating on the Net, especially on messaging platforms and social networks, a computer fraud based on a machine of the brand Nespresso. Here's how to defend yourself.

The message of the scam is structured very well and does not have obvious grammatical errors. The technique to notice the fraud in progress though is to look at the URL. This is not the simple but a bogus The full message of the fraud is: "Win a limited edition Nespresso GOLD coffee maker. Guarda, Nespresso per festeggiare il 30esimo anniversario sta regalando una caffettiera Nespresso Gold ad edizione limitata”. Se sui social media o sulle app per la messaggistica come WhatsApp incappiamo in un testo del genere dobbiamo immediatamente capire che si tratta di una truffa.

Lo scopo di queste truffe

truffa-nespresso.jpgFonte foto: Commissariato di PS Online

Questo il messaggio della truffa

Lo scopo di frodi informatiche di questo tipo è attirare su siti fasulli la vittima per farle inserire delle informazioni riservate, come indirizzo di casa, numero di telefono e casella di posta elettronica. Oppure invitare l’utente a scaricare un documento contenente un malware. The official Facebook profile of the Italian State Police, the "Commissariato di PS Online - Italia" page, has warned users of the new danger.

How to defend yourself

To avoid falling into traps similar to this new Nespresso scam, the advice is always the same. First of all, avoid clicking lightly on links and attachments that arrive as messages via email, social networks and messaging applications. Before clicking on a link it is also advisable to scan the URL with a dedicated software or antivirus software.