The number of active PEC accounts in 2020 is still increasing, reaching a record of more than 12 million between individuals and companies: data from AgID.
The numbers of certified e-mail continue to grow and in 2020 mark a new record. The number of active PEC boxes according to data released by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) stands at 12,340,211 accounts between November and December 2020, up by more than 1.5 million from the same period in 2019.
Not only professionals and companies, for which PEC is mandatory, but more and more individuals are choosing to open a certified e-mail address. Il boom del numero di caselle PEC mostra come sempre più cittadini ne comprendano i vantaggi, dato che offre la stessa validità di una raccomandata postale con ricevuta di ritorno, ma più economica e versatile, e consente di snellire le comunicazioni con la Pubblica amministrazione e l’Agenzia delle Entrate. Tanti vantaggi a un prezzo accessibile a tutti, dato che servizi come Libero Family PEC offrono al costo di 14.99 euro l’anno 1 Gb di spazio di archiviazione per inviare un numero illimitato di messaggi.
Boom PEC 2020, i numeri dell’AgID
Secondo i dati dell’AgID, nel 2020 gli account di posta elettronica certificata sono aumentati di 1.504.894 unità, con un totale di caselle PEC di 12.340.211 nel bimestre novembre-dicembre, contro le 10.835.317 di caselle nel bimestre novembre-dicembre del 2019. Certified mail domains, on the other hand, increased to 252,967, compared to 245,975 recorded in the prior-year reporting period. In 2020, messages sent decreased, which were more than 2.26 billion compared to 2.38 billion sent in 2019, for an average of 6.2 million PECs sent per day.
Boom PEC 2020: benefits for companies, professionals and individuals
The data show an increase in the diffusion of this digital tool, which allows you to send communications with legal value in a simple, convenient and fast way with savings for companies, professionals and private citizens of time, costs and paper, also marking a positive impact on the environment. PEC is compulsory for professionals and companies, but it is clear that more and more private citizens are contributing to the diffusion of this tool, thanks to the many advantages it offers.
Not only the use of certified e-mail guarantees to private citizens more streamlined and faster communications with the Public Administration and the Revenue Agency, for example for participation in public competitions or for sending fines, with a significant saving in the costs of notification. The legal value of this digital tool allows citizens to validate entries between private individuals, but also to cancel contracts and subscription services of various kinds: from telephone or satellite TV contracts, to communications with banks and insurance companies
To date, citizens who want to open their own PEC box can choose from a wide range of operators, including Libero Mail, which offers the Family PEC to send an unlimited number of messages and storage space of 1 Gb for only 14.99 euros per year, against the cost of at least 5.40 euros for a single registered mail with return receipt.