Translate group chats in real time with Microsoft Translator

The app will be available by the end of 2016 and will be able to translate up to nine languages simultaneously and "live"

Microsoft is ready to amaze again. After developing an advanced speech recognition system with an almost human margin of error, the American company aims at group conversations by updating Microsoft Translator.

The new version of the app, according to Redmond claims, would be able to simultaneously translate up to 9 conversations . The prototype was presented at Microsoft Future Decoded, the event that the company founded by Bill Gates is holding these days in London. Currently the application is capable of translating conversations that take place only between two people. Con il prossimo update, che sarà reso disponibile entro la fine del 2016, Microsoft Translator potrà elaborare simultaneamente un numero multiplo di dialoghi.

Come funziona

Microsoft ha mostrato una conversazione tra tre persone, dove ognuna delle quali parlava usando la propria lingua: tedesco, francese e inglese. Nell’interfaccia dell’app presente sugli smartphone degli ipotetici partecipanti si vede la traduzione scritta che Microsoft Translator realizza in tempo reale a seconda dello speaker. Tra le varie lingue che possono essere tradotte c’è anche il cinese e per i fan di Star Trek, Microsoft ha mostrato come l’app sia capace anche di tradurre il klingon.

lumia2.jpgFonte foto: Flickr

Con Microsoft Translator chattare sarà un gioco da ragazzi

Fino a 60 lingue

Microsoft Translator ancora non funziona perfettamente. In fact, during the presentation the voice recognition system had some problems. As Oliver Fortana, the director of product strategies, says the company will release a preview by the end of the year that will support up to 60 languages for written translations and nine for spoken ones. The feature will be available for browsers and mobile devices running Windows, Android and iOS. Microsoft also aims to integrate Microsoft Translator with Skype and increase the number of available languages.