Google Translate, improves the quality of offline translations

Google has released an update for its translation application: here are what's new and what changes for users

Who hasn't dreamed of traveling to a foreign country and having a smooth conversation relying totally on Google Translate? Some have even tried it, but found it difficult when they were suddenly offline in the middle of a conversation.

You don't always have a fast connection when traveling. In these cases, you have to rely on the offline service offered by Google. Unfortunately, the offline service is less accurate and slower, which will ruin the experience of using the translator. At least until now: in fact, the Mountain View company has released an update of the service, where the offline support is improved. Google Translate's offline translation is now faster and of higher quality. Moreover, 59 languages have been introduced, which is a real gift for those who love to travel and discover new places without having the nightmare of learning as many expressions and words as possible before leaving.

Google Translate: why can you use it offline now?

When traveling, it is common to have moments when the connection disappears. According to Murphy's Law, in those two minutes you hear or read an unfamiliar sentence that you need to translate immediately. Until now, relying on Google Offline Translator was a problem: the translation wasn't as accurate as the online one and often got the vocabulary completely wrong. Now, however, an update has been released that allows you to find new words even in the absence of a connection.

The Mountain View company announced the news in its official blog: the available languages are now 59 and offline translation has improved by 12%. In particular, work has been done on grammar, on the more accurate choice of words according to the context and on the structure of sentences, which is now more fluid.

For some languages, such as Japanese, Korean, Thai, Polish and Hindi, the quality has improved by as much as 20%. This means that venturing into these countries will be easier because you will have an app that will translate foreign expressions more accurately and fluently, both online and offline.

Google Translate: all the improvements in sight

In addition to increasing the level of offline translations, Google has also worked to improve spelling: often when faced with a foreign word you have doubts about the pronunciation, but now Translate offers transliteration based on the spelling of the source alphabet, which makes it easier to read.

According to what the company says, the updates should already be accessible for Android and iOS users. To use the new version, simply log in to the app and download the update or go to the Offline Translation Settings and download the updates from there.

In addition to improving quality, Google Translate is testing new features, one of which is called flashcards and allows you to save some favorite expressions. This feature, currently in the testing phase, was identified by developer Jan Manchun Wong. The peculiarity is that, with this feature, Google could officially enter into competition with the most famous foreign language learning apps like Babbel and Duolingo.