WhatsApp, the WhatsApp Gold virus is back, here’s what it’s about

In recent days, a news about the WhatsApp Gold virus has been going around: here's what it is and how to defend yourself

WhatsApp Gold is back. The "premium" version of the messaging app can be downloaded again, but it hides a very dangerous virus that can open the doors of the smartphone to hackers. The news would be of absolute gravity, if only it were true. What you've just read, in fact, is a hoax that has been circulating in recent days on the messaging app and social networks.

To launch the alarm are the guys at bufale.net who have published an article in which they confirm that this is a fake news created by the classic good-timers. It is not the first time that the hoax about the WhatsApp Gold virus goes viral. Already in 2017 and early 2019, the fake news had gone viral thanks to a Chain of Saint Anthony born on the messaging app and that in a short time had spread within WhatsApp groups. The news caught on in Spain in 2017, so much so that the National Police was forced to publish a tweet in which it warned Spanish users about the fake virus.

We remind you that all news about alternative apps to WhatsApp that allow you to unlock phantom premium features are hoaxes. These applications really exist, but they are not present in the official stores (Google Play Store and App Store) for the simple reason that they are not recognized by WhatsApp. Those who download them go against WhatsApp's terms of use and risk having their personal account deleted.

What is WhatsApp Gold virus

The WhatsApp Gold virus would be a fictitious malware hidden inside the "Martinelli video", a link that is sent on the messaging app and that if opened will infect your smartphone. Let's go in order.

The message that is circulating on social networks and applications these days warns users from opening the "Martinelli video": inside would be hidden the WhatsApp Gold virus that can infect your smartphone. It is a fake news: there is no "Martinelli video" and neither the WhatsApp Gold virus. The latter, in fact, is not a malware capable of infecting the smartphone, but an application that promises to unlock phantom premium features of WhatsApp.

Very popular in past years, now fewer and fewer users are using it. E il motivo è molto semplice: WhatsApp ha deciso di eliminare o sospendere temporaneamente tutti gli account che utilizzano versioni alternative dell’applicazioni di messaggistica (oltre a WhatsApp Gold esistono anche WhatsApp Plus e GB WhatsApp). Queste applicazioni non offrono gli stessi standard di sicurezza di WhatsApp e i messaggi inviati potrebbe essere intercettati da hacker e malintenzionati.

Come difendersi dal virus WhatsApp Gold

Non essendo una reale minaccia, non esistono delle regole da rispettare per difendersi dal virus. Ma alcuni consigli vogliamo comunque darveli:

  • Non cliccate su link strani o inviati da persone che non conoscete.
  • Non scaricate documenti in formati sconosciuti o inviati da persone che non conoscete.
  • Installate un antivirus sul vostro smartphone.
  • Utilizzate la versione ufficiale di WhatsApp e non scaricate fantomatiche app Premium.
  • Rispettate i termini di utilizzo di WhatsApp.