Digitale terrestre, le novità di metà luglio

Ancora novità per il digitale terrestre con nuove modifiche che arrivano a metà luglio e decoder da risintonizzare: ecco quali sono


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Le modifiche ai canali del digitale terrestre proseguono con l’avvicinarsi dello switch off al nuovo standard DVT-B2. Users are by now accustomed to these continual changes with the addition or variation of channels on the platform occurring with ever closer cadence.

As for mid-July, the changes affect both regional and national Muxes and the free satellite platform Tivùsat. In particular, the change affects the Mediaset channels and the Mux 1, Mux 2 and Mux 5 networks. At regional level, instead, the channel changes concern the Mux Videobolzano 33 in Trentino Alto-Adige and the frequencies in Marche. Finally, two new channels have arrived for Tivùsat, expanding the platform's already rich offering. In order to see all the changes, users will have to retune their decoders or carry out a new channel search on their smart TV.

Digitale terrestre: the national changes

Let's start with the national changes to digital terrestrial broadcasting, which affect Mediaset's Muxes. On Mux 1 and Mux 5, the Sky Sport Calcio HD channel has been added at position 473, in place of Sky Sport Football.

Network Mux 2, on the other hand, offers a new channel at LCN 235 in place of Rinbow, which takes the name Canale 235.

Digitale terrestre: le modifiche regionali

At regional level, the changes affect Trentino Alto-Adige and Marche.

In Trentino Alto-Adige the Mux Videobolzano 33 has been definitively switched off, with the channel Videobolzano 33 being moved to Ras Mux 3 at position 10 with the name VB33.

The channels of Ras Mux 3 and 4 have also been reorganized, so retuning is recommended to see the various changes made. Mux 7 Gold Marche also needs to be retuned after the reorganization of the channels.

Digitale terrestre: new channels for Tivùsat

New channels are also coming to the free satellite platform Tivùsat, which sees the arrival of two new channels.

Nuova TV Nazionale, abbreviated NTN, arrives at position 813 of the platform and transmits in MPEG-4 at a resolution of 720×576 pixels.

Sharing TV arrives at position 820, again transmitting in MPEG-4 at a resolution of 720×576 pixels.