How to choose between Airpods and Galaxy Buds

At their launch on the market have depopulated, dividing a little 'minds but being amply rewarded in terms of use and purchase: we are talking about the Airpods, the famous earphones of the Apple system, widely appreciated as true wireless bluetooth earphones. Under the current spotlight there are also the Samsung Galaxy Buds, at a lower market price than the Airpods but with truly incredible functionality. At this point, one has to wonder: in a possible Airpods vs Galaxy Buds clash, does either product trump the other? What are the prices, autonomy, pros and cons of this newest generation of True Wireless earbuds? Let's find out below in this article by Libero Tecnologia, which will help you opt for the device that best suits your needs.

The weaknesses of the Airpods

Let's start with the sore points: of the Airpods we have heard widely, with attention focused particularly on the spectacle of their functionality. However, in this hypothetical Airpods vs Galaxy Buds clash, we're going to examine what are the "flaws", jumped to the eye especially after the introduction of Samsung's direct competitor. It seems that the Airpods sin in the reproduction of sounds when bass is present, lacking in depth and completeness, making it difficult to distinguish individual sounds, unlike the Galaxy Buds which - on the contrary - have a much better quality of reproduction of mids and highs, to the detriment of the giant Apple.

Quality/price ratio: who wins?

The Galaxy Buds have a price of about 150€, certainly lower than the Airpods which have a recommended price of 229€. Both true wireless earbuds are definitely worth the expense, but in a more detailed comparison, the Galaxy Buds clearly outperform the Apple earbuds due to their lower price and respectable features, on par with (if not better in some aspects) the Airpods 2.

Autonomy: differences between the two earbuds

When it comes to wireless earbuds, autonomy is really a key point. Unlike their distant cousins with the wire, a wireless headset necessarily needs a good autonomy to ensure a tot. of hours of call and avoid continuous recharges during the day. The Galaxy Buds have a good autonomy: about 5 hours of listening, plus three full recharges using their case (which also recharges wirelessly). Here they play a really positive role even the Apple Airpods, with 5 hours of autonomy in listening and four full charges through the case. The Galaxy Buds probably score a few more points due to their lower price compared to the Airpods.

Strengths: Galaxy Buds

So far, in our Airpods vs Galaxy Buds clash, the focus has been on the price, which is definitely more advantageous for the Samsung model than the Apple one. However, let's see specifically the strengths of these true wireless earbuds, which proved to be a real surprise of 2019, displacing in many ways the competition. The Galaxy Buds are lightweight, small in size and fit perfectly in the ear. They present interchangeable grommets, perhaps the only real question mark of the product (not all users love, in fact, the earphone grommets). On the upside, the stability is amazing - thanks to the fins that stop them in place, and their sound isolation is truly remarkable. The Galaxy Buds can also be managed via gestures to turn up the volume and perform other actions, and the audio quality in calls does not disappoint at all.

Strong points: Airpods

The Apple Airpods 2 are now a widely known and appreciated product, almost a status symbol for lovers of Apple devices. A due anni dall’uscita del primo modello, oggi le Airpods confermano quelli che sono stati i punti di forza anche alla loro prima uscita. Straordinariamente comode come auricolari in-ear mentre si passeggia, per correre o per tenere conferenze, meno comode se ci trova in viaggio o si deve poggiare la testa su sedili o cuscini a causa della presenza del "bastoncino". Buono l’isolamento audio ma non come le Galaxy Buds, che su questo aspetto vincono a mani basse, soprattutto in situazioni in cui si ritrova a dover parlare in mezzo ad una folla, ad un concerto etc. Possono essere gestite anche tramite Siri, a differenza delle Galaxy Buds che non supportano l’utilizzo su Android di Google Assistant.

Cosa trovate nella confezione delle Galaxy Buds

Sappiamo che minimalismo e impatto estetico sono le caratteristiche dei prodotti Apple. Ci chiediamo quindi, in cosa si differenziano le Galaxy Buds nella loro confezione? La scatola all’interno presenta:

  • auricolari;
  • case;
  • 3 gommini (S/M/L);
  • cavetto USB-C/USB-A;
  • 3 archetti wingtip aggiuntivi (S/M/L).

I wingtip non sono altro che una fascia di gomma con applicate delle alette, per avere una stabilità superiore una volta fissati all’orecchio. Le Galaxy Buds non hanno memoria interna di storage.

Cosa trovate nella confezione delle Airpods 2

Come già accennato, la Apple – si sa – ama il minimalismo. Nella confezione delle Airpods, che si presenta come una piccola scatolina quadrata di colore bianco con sopra l’immagine degli auricolari wireless, trovate la custodia con gli auricolari e un cavolo lightning/USB-A. Le Airpods non hanno altro in dotazione, compreso un eventuale cordino per non rischiare di perderle durante la corsa o durante altre attività. To date, Apple has not launched an official product, but on popular online sales platforms you can find compatible straps at decidedly affordable prices.

Case Comparison

The case of the true wireless earbuds plays a crucial role, even though it might not seem like it. Portability, size, and convenient shapes are key to making it a smooth, everyday use. In this aspect, the Airpods vs Galaxy Buds clash ends up almost even: the Airpods 2 case is quite small and thin, really a super comfortable object to hold in your hand or carry comfortably in your pocket. It doesn't differ much from the Galaxy Buds case, which is absolutely not bulky and just as comfortable to hold. Apple's case is developed to be opened vertically, because it plans to tuck the Airpods' sticks in that direction. Diventa leggermente più scomoda quando la si deve poggiare su un piano, aspetto che invece non delude nella custodia delle Galaxy Buds, con comoda apertura orizzontale- come fosse un piccolo "scrigno".

Controller per Galaxy Buds vs Airpods

Le Galaxy Buds non sono semplici auricolari, ma dei veri e propri dispositivi controllabili anche con il sistema touch. Infatti, la superficie esterna delle Galaxy Buds è una superficie "intelligente", in grado di riconoscere il tocco. Vediamo insieme di quali si trattano:

  • singolo tocco per play o pausa, che funziona anche levando un auricolare;
  • doppio tocco per passare al brano successivo o per terminare una chiamata;
  • triplo tocco per tornare al brano precedente;
  • un tocco prolungato per rifiutare una chiamata.

Tramite le impostazioni della app companion sviluppata dalla Samsung, è possibile personalizzare anche gli effetti del tocco prolungato, potendo optare per il comando vocale, per il suono ambientale, per il rapido su suono ambientale o per aumentare o diminuire il volume.

Nel caso degli Airpods, invece, le funzionalità touch si limitano al doppio tocco, ma in aggiunta è possibile utilizzarle con i comandi vocali di "Ehi Siri". È comunque possibile personalizzare il tocco per:

  • traccia precedente (auricolare sinistro);
  • traccia successiva (auricolare destro);
  • play e pausa (levando o inserendo gli auricolari).