How to protect your phone or notebook from the heat

Excessive heat can cause device overheating and serious damage to device stability. Here's what to do to prevent these problems

We're in the middle of summer and high temperatures test not only our patience, but more importantly the stability of our cherished electronic devices. Without the necessary precautions, smartphones, tablets and laptops risk serious damage.

The culprit, of course, has only one name: the heat. Excessive heat, in fact, can cause the device to overheat. As a result, the battery not only lasts little, but deteriorates irreversibly. Sometimes, it's our superficiality that contributes to raise temperatures. Many people, in fact, make a mistake that can cost a lot, especially in this period: put on charge the smartphone or notebook and leave the devices inside the protective case. In this way, the device overheats and the battery is ruined. Therefore, it is very important to know how to protect your device from the heat. Here are some tips.

Understand when to intervene

The first and fundamental trick is to be able to understand how and when to intervene. Notebooks and smartphones each have their own ideal temperature. Most manufacturers recommend not to exceed a certain range. Just check the parameters on the official websites. It remains to be understood, however, how to measure the degrees reached by the device. Also in this case it is very simple: on the stores you can find good apps and programs to check the "hot flashes". Some smartphone models have built-in measurement systems. How do they work? They use the sensors present in notebooks and cell phones to check the degrees.

Get out of the sun

Although some will turn up their noses reading this advice, repetita iuvant: it is essential not to leave electronic devices in the sun or near heat sources for a long time. Be especially careful not to leave your phone near the windshield of the car or in duffel bags exposed to the sun while you're at the beach.

Limit consumption

Devices also overheat when they are forced to handle multiple processes and applications at the same time. And if the temperature outside is high, the degrees of your cell phone or notebook rise quickly. So, it is obvious that in these cases it is better to limit the use of the devices. For example, avoid listening to music or watching a video if the device is glowing.

Beware of temperature changes

It may sound strange, but even devices need to acclimatize to the temperature of a room. If you have unfortunately left your cell phone in the sun, do not switch it on immediately after you have put it in "safety". Wait for the temperature to drop and adjust to the ambient temperature.

Cooling systems

This advice applies only to laptops. One way to keep your computer's temperature from skyrocketing, with all that that entails, is to purchase one of the many cooling systems. They're very practical, cost little and are easy to use.

Turn everything off

If you realize that the temperature of your smartphone or notebook is very high, consider turning them off as well. Sure, for some people it might be a trauma not to receive notifications. But don't worry, it only takes a few minutes, just enough time to cool down the devices.