How to set dark mode on Windows 10

To set dark mode on Windows 10 you need to perform some somewhat complicated steps. Here's the step-by-step procedure

If there's one feature that a modern operating system, nowadays, can't not have this is dark mode. That dark mode is now a trend is proven by the fact that it's among the most publicized novelties in the latest versions of Android and iOS. But Windows 10 also has its dark mode.

Only that it is well hidden and, to activate it, we have to invest some of our time and go through the Windows planning unit. It's not an easy process and you have to follow the instructions well without skipping any step: we'll have to create a routine to turn on and off the dark mode at specific times. This dark mode will be activated both for the operating system interface and for running apps. All this is definitely not convenient, but luckily there is also a simpler and faster way to activate dark mode on Windows 10.

How to activate night mode on Windows 10 with the Scheduler

The procedure to automatically activate dark mode on Windows 10 consists in scheduling the activation of light mode at a predetermined time (for example, from 8:oo to 20:00) and then activate dark mode during the remaining hours of the day. After opening the Start menu and searching for "Scheduler", click on the icon of this utility to launch it. On the right side of the window we right-click on "Planning Utility Library" and then on "New Folder" (and name this folder). Then we right click on "My Task" and choose "Create Task". The window to create a Windwos task from scratch will open. From the "General" tab we give a name to this task, for example "Enable Dark Mode" or "Dark Mode On" and so on. The choice of the name does not affect the result. From the options we choose "Run regardless of user connection" and then "Do not store password". From the "Activation" tab, click on "New" and in the window that appears at this point, choose "Based on a schedule" from the drop-down menu. We set the schedule to "Daily" and then choose the time at which the clear mode will be activated. After clicking on "Ok" we go to the "Actions" tab and click on "New" and choose "Start schedule". In the "Settings" box we write:


While in the "Add Arguments" box we write:

New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize -Name SystemUsesLightTheme -Value 1 -Type Dword -Force;

New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize -Name AppsUseLightTheme -Value 1 -Type Dword -Force

Now let's click on "Ok" and then on "Start as soon as possible if a scheduled startup fails" and on "In case of error restart task every" (1 minutes, every 3 restart attempts). After pressing "Ok" we will have set the clear mode to activate every day at the time we prefer.

To set the dark mode we'll have to repeat the procedure, giving another name to the task we'll create and changing the PowerShell command to:

New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize -Name SystemUsesLightTheme -Value 0 -Type Dword -Force; New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize -Name AppsUseLightTheme -Value 0 -Type Dword -Force

How to turn on dark mode on Win 10 with an app

If all this sounds too complicated for you, there is also a much easier way to set the dark mode at a specific time on Windows 10: install the "Windows 10 Auto Dark Mode" app. This app allows you to set when and how to activate the dark mode and possibly even change the desktop background when it's active.