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Excel: Count characters - how to get the exact number

In Excel you have the possibility to count the characters within a cell. For this purpose, you can use the "LEN" function. With this you can determine not only the number of individual numbers, but also letters, characters and all spaces. It is also applicable to multiple cells.

How to count characters in Excel

If you want to find out the number of characters within a cell, you don't have to count them manually. Excel offers you the "LEN" function, which you can use to automatically count and output the number of all characters, including letters, spaces and numbers.
  1. To use the function, all you have to do is enter the command "=LEN(CELL)" without quotes in an empty cell. Instead of CELL, enter the cell name of the cell whose contents you want to count.
  2. As soon as you press the Enter key, the number of characters is displayed in the empty cell.
  3. If you want to count multiple cells, then apply the command to the top cell and then drag the fill box down over the entire cell range. Bei mehreren Zellen sieht der Befehl dann so aus: „= Summe ((LEN ( cell1 ), Länge ( cell2 ), (LEN ( cell3 )) ))".
  4. It will then add the number of characters of each cell using the sum function and then output.

By Cate

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