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Registering an e-scooter: What you need to know before driving

If you want to drive a car, you must first get a driver's license. However, before this is possible, you must have reached a minimum age. It is also important to follow rules when driving an e-scooter. For this reason, it is worthwhile that you already inform yourself before driving.

Do you need to register your e-scooter before you ride?

If you rent an e-scooter from one of the many providers, then registration or licensing of the scooter is not necessary. These are usually already registered and insured for road traffic. You only need permission from the provider to drive them.
  1. When buying an e-scooter, you should make sure that it has a general operating permit. This confirms that the scooter already meets all the requirements for road traffic.
  2. If the scooter does not have this, then you must apply for it. However, the process can be very expensive, so this is not always worth it.
  3. If the scooter has the required permit, then no further registration is necessary. Dies gilt jedoch nur dann, wenn Sie die Verordnung für Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge einhalten.
  4. Fährt Ihr Scooter schneller als die empfohlenen 20 km/h, dann ist eine separate Anmeldung Ihres Fahrzeugs nötig, da die Verordnung anschließend nicht mehr gilt. Sie benötigen dann auch einen Führerschein, um den Scooter führen zu dürfen.

By Cristie Lobdell

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