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Google Maps: How to clear the timeline

Google Maps creates a timeline and location history where you can review your travels, for example. However, if you don't want Google Maps to know where you are at all times, delete the timeline.

Turn off spying: Delete Timeline in Google Maps

What is a nice way to remember trips for some people borders on spying for others. If you do not want Google to always and constantly retrieve your location, then first delete all the points in your timeline:
  1. First, open the Google Maps app.
  2. Now tap on the three lines at the top to view the menu.
  3. Select "Timeline", tap on the three dots at the top and then tap "Settings".
  4. Find the "Location Settings" section here. Then, depending on whether you want to delete the entire timeline or just specific days in the timeline, tap either "Delete entire location history" or "Delete specific period in location history."

Do not save future location data

Follow the instructions above, you will delete the timeline, but Google Maps will continue to record where you go. Um diese Funktion zu deaktivieren, sodass keine Standortdaten in der Zeitachse gespeichert werden, gehen Sie so vor:
  1. Öffnen Sie die App „Google-Einstellungen“.
  2. Navigieren Sie hier zu „Persönliche Daten & Privatsphäre > Aktivitätseinstellungen“.
  3. Hier deaktivieren Sie nun die „Web- & App-Aktivitäten“, damit keine Zeitachse mehr angelegt wird.

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