Home office: part-time - helpful information
In many industries, working from home is possible without any problems. Office jobs are ideal for the home office because you don't need any work equipment except for a PC and Internet. Many employees work full-time in a home office, while others only work at home on certain days.
Working part-time in a home office
Because there is no clear law on home office regulations yet, working from home is usually regulated individually between employees and employers.- In principle, certain requirements must be met for the home office to be entitled to it.
- Both data and employee protection, working time regulations and possible additional costs must be clearly defined via a written agreement with the employer. With regard to these rules, no distinction is made between a full-time and part-time position.
- Frequently, however, companies do not want their employees to work permanently in the home office. In this case, it can be contractually stipulated that you may only work from home on certain days of the week.