HOME > Social Media > Facebook: Create A Poll - Here's How

Facebook: Create a poll - here's how

Facebook is a popular channel for gathering information and sharing opinions. If you have a specific question, you can ask the community to take a poll and thereby get more opinions for free. We will show you how to do it.

A Facebook poll is created in a few seconds.

Facebook polls are very common because they mean interaction between users and increase the information content. Thanks to a built-in feature, you can create a poll with little effort.

Create Facebook poll: Thanks to integrated function possible

For some time now, you can no longer post polls on your own wall, but instead it is possible to post polls in your own Story. To do this, tap on "Create Story", select the "Poll" option and enter your question and answer options. Finally, tap "Done" and "Share Story" to publish the poll.
  1. Alternatively, to create a poll in a group, first call up the corresponding group.
  2. At the top of the screen, above the group's posts and activities, you will see the "Poll" option next to "Post" and "Photo/Video".
  3. In the text field you enter your question, just like a normal post so.
  4. Below you can enter the answer options via the field "Add an option".
  5. In addition, you can make further settings at "Poll options".
  6. When you are done, publish the poll via "Post".
Your poll is now created and is visible to all group members. For simple, spontaneous polls, this built-in feature is very handy; however, if you want a larger feature set, Facebook's official poll app is suitable.

By Merridie Barket

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