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Turn off Stadia Controller: How it works

In rare cases, the Stadia Controller may stop responding to inputs. You can usually remedy this with a hardware reset. Our guide explains how to do it.

Emergency stop: The Stadia Controller can be switched off by pressing a button.

If you use Stadia with Chromecast Ultra on the TV, the controller is the central element. This makes it all the more important to know all the tricks.

How to turn off your Stadia controller

Proceed as follows:
  1. Press the Stadia button for at least ten seconds. Hold the button down regardless of the controller's response.
  2. Release the button.
The controller will then be off. Press and hold the button again, this time only relatively briefly, to restart the controller, as this should now be possible. If this is not the case, try out how the controller reacts on the charging cable. Normally, though, this shouldn't happen at all, as the aforementioned method is very reliable.

By Prissy Blotter

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