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Windows 10: Restore system - these options are available

Depending on the problem you have with your Windows 10 system, there are different options you can choose from to restore your computer. Here, for example, you can completely reset your PC or reinstall Windows 10.

How to restore your Windows 10 system

With Windows 10, you have several options to choose from that you can use to restore your system if you have a problem. If your computer is not working as usual, then you can restore it from a system restore point. However, this option is only possible if you have previously saved a recovery point. Alternatively, if you don't want to completely reinstall Windows 10, you can reset the system. This is done as follows:
  1. Click on the Start icon at the bottom left of your Windows computer.
  2. Then select the option with the "gear" icon to open the settings.
  3. Here you now click on the item "Update and Security" and then "Restore".
  4. Under "Reset this PC" click on the "Let's go" button.
  5. You now have several options to choose from. Select "Keep my files", you can also select under "Change settings", whether all apps should be retained or also removed. In addition, your personal files remain completely intact.
  6. Alternativ wählen Sie die Option „Alles entfernen“ aus. Hierbei werden alle Daten, auch Ihre persönlichen Dateien, vom Gerät entfernt. Auch Apps und Treiber werden deinstalliert.
  7. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um den Vorgang abzuschließen.

By Ferrigno

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